Author: Arthur Lipner
Title: Jazz Mallets: In Session
Description: For the average aspiring percussionist, the idea of developing the ability to comfortably improvise on Mallets seems foreign and unattainable. In this 150 page book, Arthur Lipner provides a wealth of improv exercises, scale patterns, soloing ideas, comping suggestions, basic chord structure, chord progressions, and more that provide a great introduction to the world of improvising. Besides the already mentioned, the big benefit of the book is the included CD; 16 play-along tunes recorded with the rhythm section on one channel and vibes on the other, giving the option of playing with the Vibes or just the rhythm section. Jazz Mallets: In Session is ideal for any percussionist trying to develop the ability to comfortably improvise on Mallets.
Annotated by: Jim Benoit