Nebojsa Zivkovic (b.1962)

Uneven Souls (1992)

20 Minutes

5 players (can have more singers)


Player I: Marimba 4.5 Oct.

Player I: 2 Wood Drums, 2 Toms, Snare Drum, Tam-Tam, Bamboo Chimes, Logdrum, Vibraslap, Cymbal, Crotales (C,C#,F,F#)

Player I: 5 Woodblocks, 2 Bongos, 2 Toms, China Gong, Logdrum, 3 Cymbals, Tam-Tam, 3 Agogos
Player I: 5 Wooden Instruments, @ Bongos, 2 Toms, Bass Drum,Logdrum,Goat Hooves, Darabukka
Player IV: Tenor Voice

Program Note: “Uneven Souls”  (composed 1992, commissioned by  “Kulturinitiative Stubaital” Austria)  is a piece whose title reflects the character of the Slavic people from  the Balkans and their “uneven” souls  It shows actually  the “picture” of these Balkanian souls, their uneven, not “dogmatic” way of living. The composition consists of three parts, one fading into the other. Singing is also important part of this work, since singing at the work, or in fields, or at home, is important part of everyday life in the most countries at the Balkans.  It should be sung “full blast”, with a natural “rough” voice, since this will give the right spirit to this unusually music. -Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic